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How to Use Biometric Data to Enhance Learning.

This is a guest post by Nicole Garrison. Nicole is a content strategist, writer, and contributor at several platforms such as TopEssayWriting and

Digitalization and AI are making big changes in the education industry. One of the novelties that are attracting a lot of attention is the use of biometric data in education. Biometrics refers to the fingerprints, iris, body movement, height, and other visible features of individuals.

When you think about the use of biometric data, your first thought must be its use for securing the educational buildings. However, biometric data can also be used to enhance learning. Here are a few ways in which biometric data can be used to improve learning in educational institutions.

Keeping Track of Students’ Attendance

Biometric data can enable automatic notifications to parents that will ensure that their child has come to school. Besides keeping the child’s attendance, parents won’t have to worry about whether their child got to school safely.

Once the students confirm their identity, the system can instantly notify the parents. Aside from this, the biometric verification system will also inform the parents through a message when their child has left the school.

How can this affect the students? Well, knowing that the system will keep their parents posted about their school attendance, students will have one reason more to attend the classes regularly.

Teachers also have access to attendance information. Based on that, they will be able to prepare extra material if a student didn’t attend a class. Or provide them with online tutoring. Monitoring attendance gives teachers better insight into their students’ activities and achievements. Accordingly, they can adapt the material to students’ learning needs.

Improved Time Management for Teachers

Taking attendance at the beginning of the class can take from 5 to 10 minutes. That is 5 to 10 minutes subtracted from the time that students have to learn something new.

Learning can be more efficient if teachers could use that time to properly introduce the lecture or revise the lesson from the previous class. This is where biometric data can be of great help.

If the biometric verification system is taking attendance, teachers don’t have to. There will be no need for teachers to waste time on an activity that is not related to teaching. Amanda Sullivan, the head of the content department at ClassyEssay, shared her thoughts on the subject, “Biometric data will allow teachers to focus on their primary concern — effective teaching. Taking attendance simply takes away much needed time that teachers could use for engaging introductions or a quick revision.”

Analyzing Student Behavior

Students’ engagement can be improved based on the analysis of their behavioral issues. Infrared scanner and cameras can spot and analyze students’ body movements and behavior during class to assess the engagement.

The classes can be modified based on the findings. For example, if a certain class doesn’t enough satisfactory student engagement, changes can be made. The results of the analysis will help teachers to create more entertaining and engaging classes for their students.

In addition, the reports on students’ engagement can be used to determine whether some students have trouble with learning. If the biometric system identifies that a certain student has issues with multiple classes, the teachers can help him with tutoring.

Easier Student Registration and Transfer of Information

By incorporating biometrics with cloud computing, students’ information can be transferred in seconds. This could make a big change in student registration.

When a student is switching schools or transferring to university from high school, the information can be passed on without any difficulties. The new school or university will, therefore, have all relevant information on their hands before the student even comes in.

Educational institutions can even create reports on student’s learning behavior with the help of writing services such as TrustMyPaper or GrabMyEssay. In this way, the institution to which the student is being transferred to can prepare personalized study material in advance.

Ensure Integrity

Cheating and any sort of misconduct can be prevented with biometric data. Cameras and infrared scanners can analyze movement, behavior, and students’ body temperature. Then, it can notify teachers if there are any signs of cheating attempts.

Also, by having to use their biometric data to enter the exam room, students won’t be able to resort to a popular cheating method — sending someone else to take the test. Technology will ensure integrity.

Not only will this make the students earn their success, but it will also provide a fair game to all the hard-working students. Besides, teachers will be able to dedicate themselves to assisting students without the fear that someone will take that opportunity to cheat.

Limited Access

Biometric data can be used to allow students access to certain areas according to their curriculum. Students’ movement within the educational institution will be streamlined.

What this means is that students won’t be able to enter restricted areas. For example, they will be able to go into the laboratories only when they have class in that space.

Knowing that the students can only access the areas that are cleared from any restrictions will make both the teachers and parents calmer. Students will be able to established better studying habits with limited access to the areas within the institution.

Final Thoughts

Advancements like the use of biometric data can completely change the face of education. Innovations such as this move educational institutions closer to perfecting the performance of each student. Personalized assignments, plans, and habits can all play a huge role in a student’s success. With biometric data, personalization will be more achievable.


Nicole Garrison is a content strategist, writer, and contributor at several platforms such as TopEssayWriting and She is a dedicated and experienced author who pays particular attention to quality research. Nicole consistently attends different courses, seminars, and conferences that keep her knowledge up to date. In her free time, Nicole is a passionate runner and traveler. Moreover, she runs her own blog LiveInspiredMagazine.