My top three Todoist filters
If you pay the premium upgrade for Todoist ($29.00 per year) you open up the world of filters. (in addition to many other great features) Filters in Todoist allow you to see your tasks in many different ways. For example, you may wish to see only those tasks that you have assigned a priority of 1 and 2 (these would be flags). In this case you can create a filter that shows only tasks that have priorities 1 and 2 (p1, p2). Alternatively, you may wish to see tasks for your phone and your laptop (@phone, @laptop). With filters you can create some amazing views that can help you focus only on the tasks you are able to do at that moment.
What you get extra for Todoist Premium
Here are a list of my top 3 filters:
1. Dashboard
My dashboard filter shows tasks that are due today and in my inbox (inbox tasks for me do not have a due date assigned). I use this filter at the end of the day when I am closing off my tasks. This way I can see all the tasks I have not completed for the day as well as all the tasks I have collected throughout the day. This allows me to use just one view to reassign a due date and process my inbox.
2. Today AM
My Today Am filter is used only in the mornings. I usually have between fifteen and twenty tasks set for each day. When viewed on a smartphone (which is how I view my tasks during the day) this list can look overwhelming, so to make my list appear much more manageable, I assign tasks a label "@AM". This then allows me to filter out tasks I can only do in the afternoon or evening and make my today list much smaller. It has the added benefit of giving you a great feeling when you have closed out all your AM tasks before lunch-time.
This filter is used to show the tasks that I absolutely must get done today. This has a priority 1 and due today. Most days I would not have more than three tasks in here, but it is the first filter I open in a morning because at the start of the day I want to know what I have to achieve today.
I hope you found this useful. I would have liked to have given you the formulas for these filters, but as my labels and how I use flags will be different from yours, I suggest you head over to the Todoist filters help page to create some of your own based on your own labels and priorities.