What If You Don't Have Time?

It doesn’t matter how many things are on your to-do list if you don’t have the time to do them.

It took me many years to understand that traditional task-based productivity systems don’t work. They focus on doing more and more, never allowing you time to stop to ask if what’s on your to-do list needs to be done.

This began to change when I discovered time-based productivity.

Time-based productivity systems group your to-dos into categories, and you decide how much time you will dedicate to each category.

Some categories likely need time every day—communications and admin, for example—while others may only require a couple of hours each week.

Over the last few years, I have fine-tuned this approach and taught it to my students and coaching clients. It’s changed so many people’s perspectives and brought peace of mind, calm, and control to overwhelmed and stressed minds. I now want to help you experience the same.

The Ultimate Productivity Workshop teaches you how to transition from a task-based approach to a more manageable time-based system.

This four-hour, two-session workshop covers critical time management and productivity tools over two Fridays.

In week one, we begin with your calendar and task manager and learn how to best connect these two to work seamlessly together.

In the second week, we learn how to manage email and other messages and integrate everything with the daily and weekly planning sessions.

You will receive a workbook for each session a few days before the session so you can pre-prepare and, if you wish, send me any questions you have — particularly around areas you find challenging.

Your questions will help me tailor the sessions around specific difficulties.

And on top of all that, you get lifetime access to the following courses:

  • Time Blocking course

  • Areas of Focus course,

  • Email Mastery course

  • The Planning course

If you cannot attend either session or need to leave early, don’t worry; both sessions will be available for download shortly after the end of each session.

There are two packages. The standard package gets you all of the above, and THE ULTIMATE 3 package includes all of the above plus two 50-minute one-to-one coaching sessions with me personally AND access to my Time and Life Mastery course.

The standard package is $149.00

The ULTIMATE 3 is $399.00 (Saving you $390.00)

The workshop dates and times are Friday, September 6th, and Friday, September 13th, starting at 8:30 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) (5:30 pm Pacific Standard Time). Each session is two hours.

(For those of you in the European or Indian time zones, there will be a more time-friendly workshop in October)

To join the workshop, you only need to visit the registration page here.

Registration is now open to everyone. Register early to attend this fantastic workshop. Places are limited, and they go fast.

If you’re interested in being more productive? Sign up for my newsletter for more insights on how to take control of your time.

Get a copy of my latest book, Your Time Your Way: Time well managed, life well lived.