You Know You've Got GTD When...
- you start living your life by contexts
- you know what a "UCT" is [Ubiquitous Capture Tool]
- you write / type every thing down into a "trusted" place
- the only things on your calendar are hard landscape things that you absolutely must do that day (or you / it will die)
- you re-read the GTD book every year
- you have bought or you are considering buying the David Allen Notetaker Wallet (with the really cool pen)
- you've done at least five complete mind-sweeps
- you've tried every GTD type app available for your phone /computer / laptop / tablet
- you have a saved search for "GTD" in your browser and in Twitter
- you no longer segregate your life between work and home
- you not only do weekly reviews, you now do mini daily reviews
- you ask yourself "what is it? Is it a project?" 700 times per day
- you've got a "Someday / Maybe" file (in Evernote)
- you have started a "tickler file"
- you always have something to do where ever you are - you just check your contexts
- you know who Merlin Mann is and you practice "InBox Zero"
- you are stress free and you feel in control.